Mozambique, Africa
We are humbled and honored to partner directly with the local church in Mozambique for our outreach efforts. We focus on planting new churches in the Gaza Province and work with local leaders to equip and train pastors to share the gospel. Additionally, we work with a missions organization, Gaza Works, who assists the church to support local practical needs such as agricultural development and clean water projects.
Quick Facts
- Prominent Religions: Zionist and Animism or Ancestral Worship - 43%
- % Evangelical Christians: 13.2%
- Language: Portuguese, Tsonga & Shangaan
- Population: 27.2 Mil.

Let the peoples praise you, O God;
let all the peoples praise you!
Psalm 67:3
Local leaders we support in Mozambique!

Pastor Benedito and Lucia Chiburre
Pastor Benedito and his wife are church leaders in Mozambique, Africa . Pastor Benedito is an evangelist and church planter. He helped start a new church in the village of Macalawane which has been a launch pad to plant other churches in nearby villages, including one in Mukotwene. He pastors the church and trains young people to lead the church ministry and evangelize other areas to plant more churches in the Gaza Province of Mozambique. We are honored to partner with Pastor Benedito.

Jóchua Manhiça
Jóchua recently started a Youth ministry called "Caminho da Salvação" which means "Path of Salvation." This ministry is committed to the advancement and spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world. Their motto is translated as, "We want to see Christ widespread and exposed to men, with the aim of saving souls." Our Corners Kids, and Corners Teens are the primary supporters of Jóchua and his ministry. We are so excited and honored to partner with Jóchua!